The COVID-19 virus has resulted in numerous deaths. The situation is exacerbated because many people with preexisting health conditions and weakened immune systems are not adequately protected by available medications, leading to more fatalities.COVID-19 infects the lungs, causing inflammation and damage that can lead to symptoms like cough and shortness of breath. Severe cases may result in pneumonia or respiratory distress, and some individuals may face long-term lung issues. This kind of hit-and-run virus killer has no vaccine to prevent or protect the body from death and therefore triggers lots of local trials across the globe. This study explores successful local medicinal plants and substances in Africa that have not undergone modern pharmaceutical and clinical trials that produce a vaccine for various viruses. The absence of a specifically certified vaccine hasgiven rise to alternative traditional medicines; however, researchers have been concerned about the dynamics and efficacy of natural medical products since the global lockdown of the pandemic in 2020. Stack evidence from research trials has suggested the potential effectiveness of several natural traditional medicines against the deadly coronaviruses. To this effect, this systematic review explored and summarised representativenatural products for the treatment of coronavirus-related diseases in the past 10 years and demonstrates the prospects of natural products against coronavirus-related diseases by listing herbal plants and natural small molecule compounds and their therapeutic mechanisms,providing references for subsequent related studies.