This study on the contribution of Assisted Natural Regeneration (ANR) to improving the living conditions of populations was conducted in the urban municipality of Tibiri. Its general objective is to identify the products and services of woody species derived from the ANR. The choice of the study area was guided bythe existence of the ANR, which has grown there. The field surveys concerned both men and women. The information gathered during the surveys made it possible to assess the contribution of ANR wood products and by-products in improving the living conditions of the populations. In each village, a meeting was held and discussions were initiated with focus groups constituted for that purposeThis study shows that both men and women practice ANR with respectively a proportion of 83% and 17% and that the factors such as the level of education and mode of land acquisition are parameters favorable to the adoption of this practice. The species that benefit the most from the practice of ANR are Guierasenegalensis (24%) followed by Piliostigmareticulatum (23%), Albiziachivalrie (14%) and Hyphaenethebaica (13%). The choice of these species is guided more by the products and services that they provide to the populations, which are in fact the service and energy woods, the leaves, fruits and flowers for human consumption and fodder, the 'improvement of crop yields. In addition to these advantages, the sale of these products generates income for the populations, which allows them to cope sovereign expenses. The practice of ANR hassignificant advantages in that it improves the living conditions of populations.