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This study was conducted with the aim of assessing the knowledge among working mothers of infants regarding expression and storage of breast milk. Having sound knowledge regarding expression and storage of breast milk is first step towards promoting practice of expressed Breast milk, which in turn promotes exclusive breast feeding. So all working breastfeeding mothers should be motivated to learn different techniques of expression and storage of breast milk.
- Assess the pre-test knowledge score regarding “expression and storage of breast milk among working mothers of infants”.
- Assess the post-test knowledge score regarding “expression and storage of breast milk among working mothers of infants”
- To compare the pre-test and post- test knowledge score regarding “expression and storage of breast milk among working mothers of infants.
- To find out the association of pre-test knowledge score regarding expression and storage of breast milk with their selected demographic variables (Age, Educational status, Parity, Previous experience with expression and storage of breast milk, Nature of job, monthly family income).
- H1: There is significant increase in mean post-test knowledge score as compared to mean pre-test k knowledge score regarding storage of expressed breast milk among working mothers of infants at0.05 level of significance.
- H2: There is significant association of pre-test knowledge score of working mothers with their selected demographic variables at0.05 level of significance.
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