

IJSAR going to launch new issue Volume 06, Issue 03, March 2025; Open Access; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or comments send email to:


Submission last date: 15th March 2025

Factors influencing Jordanians’ acceptance of e-health environments in developing countries


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Belal Alifan, Mokhairi Makhtar and Yousef Abubaker Mohamed Ahmed El-Ebiary
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With the spread of internet technology, governments, and healthcare providers are investing in e-health to promote better quality of healthcare, access to healthcare information, and patient affordability. Despite the fact that e-health has a number of potential benefits, implementing them remains a challenge. Yet, the acceptance and adoption of such technologies by patients are essential to the success of e-health systems. However, there hasn't been much research on how patients use and adopt e-health, particularly in developing countries. Additionally, it has been claimed that cultural differences affect how behavioral models of technological acceptance perform. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to empirically validate an extended TAM in a developing country like Jordan by including three additional constructs: (privacy, trust, and perceived empowerment).Data were gathered using a questionnaire completed by 598participantsin Jordan. Using structural equation modeling based on PLS, the measurement and structural model were estimated and tested. According to the data analysis results, all of the hypotheses are supported, except the privacy construct. This demonstrates that the extended TAM is applicable and can be used in the Jordanian context. Based on our findings, the implications are that policymakers and developers must take into account that e-health is not just a technology solution, but social and behavioral factors must also be considered.

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