Traditionally the school is the place of acquisition of knowledge, know-how and know-how, in order to make the pupils fulfilled, autonomous and efficient. But this idea seems inaccessible, because in our school environments there are many students who experience learning difficulties, both in the use of metacognitive knowledge and in their autonomy. It is this reality that inspires us to ask the main question in these terms: does metacognitive competence influence autonomy in student learning? .the answer to this question allowed us to have the following general hypothesis: metacognitive competence influences autonomy in student learning. More specifically, metacognitive knowledge, metacognitive skills, awareness of one's way of learning influence the autonomy in the learning of CM2 pupils in primary schools in the sub-division of Mandjou thus, to support our hypotheses, We have convened four theories: the theory of mental activity management, the theory of awareness, the theory of identity construction and the theory of self-determination. The method used is qualitative-quantitative. The questionnaire and the interview guide were used respectively to collect data from 350 students selected from the stratified sampling technique and 07 teachers. The data collected were processed using SPSS software in version 20.0 while their analysis was done using content analysis and simple linear regression testing. at the end of the said analysis, metacognitive competence significantly influences autonomy in learning among CM2 students in primary schools in the sub-division of Mandjou