

IJSAR going to launch new issue Volume 06, Issue 03, March 2025; Open Access; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or comments send email to:


Submission last date: 15th March 2025

Effect of family background on entrepreneurial intention of final year students in state university of medical and applied sciences, Igbo-eno enugu


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Emaimo, John and Nwachukwu, Udoka Lawrence
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Entrepreneurship is critical and serves as a panacea to the unemployment quagmire in our society today. The importance of entrepreneurial activities in a developing country like Nigeria cannot be overemphasized. This study, effect of family background on entrepreneurial intention of final year students in state university of medical and applied sciences, Igbo-eno Enugu, was aimed to: determine the effect of family income level on the entrepreneurial intention students and ascertain the effect of large family size on the entrepreneurial intention of students. The study was a survey research design, which employed primary sources of data, using questionnaire instrument to collect data from 170 respondents. Data were analyzed using frequency counts, simple percentage (%), mean score (x), and the likert’s five point questionnaires. Chi-square was used to analyse the hypotheses, which was tested at 0.05 level of significance. The study revealed that, entrepreneurship stimulates economic growth and that family income has effect on entrepreneurial intention of students. The study recommended that Parents should train up their children to become self-reliance and students should avail themselves of every opportunity offered them to become independent.

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